Last Modified: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:52:34 +0000 ; Created: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:52:34 +0000
The original version can be found at System Rescue CD forum topic.
An updated version for System Rescue CD version 1.5.2 and later is below: @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS REM Author: Rodney Beede REM Version: 2010-04-23 REM License: Public Domain ECHO For System Rescue CD 1.5.2 and later ECHO. REM You may need to change ISO_EXTRACT_PROGRAM and ISO_EXTRACT_PROGRAM_OPTS to REM match any different programs you wish to use REM They are set below at the ***** CHANGEABLE OPTIONS ***** section ECHO This script allows you to extract the contents of the System Rescue CD ISO ECHO onto a disk drive of your choice. ECHO. ECHO You must run this script as an Administrator ECHO. ECHO The ISO should be located in the same directory as this script ECHO. ECHO The usb drive must already have a FAT or FAT32 filesystem ECHO. SET /P TARGET_DRIVE=Enter in the drive letter of the usb key: IF "" EQU "%TARGET_DRIVE%" ( ECHO You MUST enter a drive letter EXIT /B ) REM ***** CHANGEABLE OPTIONS ***** REM What program to run to extract files from the ISO (no "") SET ISO_EXTRACT_PROGRAM=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe REM Options to append after the ISO_EXTRACT_PROGRAM command SET ISO_EXTRACT_PROGRAM_OPTS=x -o%TARGET_DRIVE%:\ -r REM ***** END CHANGEABLE OPTIONS ***** REM Determine the ISO to use FOR %%I IN (systemrescuecd-*.iso) DO SET ISO_FILE=%%~fI IF "" EQU "%ISO_FILE%" ( ECHO Could not find ISO in %~dp0 EXIT /B ) ELSE ( ECHO. ECHO Using ISO found at %ISO_FILE% ECHO. ) REM Extract the entire ISO contents "%ISO_EXTRACT_PROGRAM%" %ISO_EXTRACT_PROGRAM_OPTS% "%ISO_FILE%" * REM Prepare SysLinux FOR %%i IN (%TARGET_DRIVE%:\bootprog\syslinux-*.zip) DO SET SYSLINUX_ZIP=%%i "%ISO_EXTRACT_PROGRAM%" %ISO_EXTRACT_PROGRAM_OPTS% "%SYSLINUX_ZIP%" win32\syslinux.exe MOVE %TARGET_DRIVE%:\win32\syslinux.exe %TARGET_DRIVE%:\syslinux.exe RMDIR /S /Q %TARGET_DRIVE%:\win32 REM Move the SysLinux items into place MOVE %TARGET_DRIVE%:\isolinux\isolinux.cfg %TARGET_DRIVE%:\isolinux\syslinux.cfg MOVE %TARGET_DRIVE%:\isolinux %TARGET_DRIVE%:\syslinux REM Make usb drive bootable (writes mbr) %TARGET_DRIVE%:\syslinux.exe -maf %TARGET_DRIVE%: ECHO ALL DONE |