Boost C++ libraries on Windows with MinGW
Compiling a C++ Windows executable with a custom icon
Compiling a C++ Windows executable with embedded version information and icon
Create local Perl library of modules not installed by administrator or root
Customize an Android system.img
Dynamically load Perl library modules based on script location
Dynamically obtain Perl script's directory and filename
Embedding Tomcat 7 in a war file
HTML 4.01 Strict compliant meta redirect
How to build an Android ROM from source
Java Hibernate 3, Maven 2, and pom.xml
Line Inserter plug-in for Notepad++
Log4j XML
Maven 2 project as Eclipse Dynamic Web Project
Maven project as Eclipse Dynamic Web Project
My chosen IDE
My favorite ASCII table site
Perl issues with opendir (or File::Find) on Windows file systems with Junction directories
Programming an attiny85 for BadUSB Rubber Ducky
Python3 and getting datetime with tz_info timezone info
Regular Java application pom.xml template
Repeat template text with inserted lines generator
Require certain version of Perl in a script
School presentation over Java's Hibernate
Tidy command to indent xml
Understanding the UDF file system specification
VBS script for creating Windows Shortcuts (lnk)
Visual Basic 2008, WebBrowser, Zoom, and ExecWB
Web browser CSS and other quirks mode documentation
Windows Batch Script - Getting Script Location (Directory/Path)
Windows Batch Script - Parsing Date Into Components (Month, Day, Year)
Windows Batch Script - Parsing Time Into Components (Hour, Minute, Second)
x86 Assembly, Registers, and the Stack