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Warcraft II Technical Help

Do you ever get a wierd error message when you try to run Warcraft 2 in Windows 95, after the program starts, when the Blizzard graphic pops up on the screen.� The computer complains about the VMM or something like that with an exception error.� You can fix this by running the program UVCONFIG in the Warcraft 2 directory.� To do this click on the Start button, Click Run.., type in C:\WAR2\UVCONFIG (or where ever you installed Warcraft 2), and press enter.� When the program runs just click on OK and it will update your display.� That will fix the problem it gives you.

Here is a list of every Warcraft II code I have

While in a game hit the enter key. �A prompt will come up at the bottom of the screen saying Message, type in the cheat code and hit the enter key to activate the cheat code. �To shut-off a cheat code enter it again.

Registered Version

Shareware Version

You can get patches and upgrades at Blizzard's Web Site.

Rodney Beede � 1998
Nothing on any of these web pages may be copied without my written permission.